
Click on the images / buttons below to visit the websites of 'The British Focusing Association' and 'The International Focusing Institute' and of Rob Foxcroft in Scotland and René Veugelers & Harriët Teeuw in the Netherlands, who I enjoyed training and qualifying with, in 'Experiential Listening & Focusing' initially with Rob in 2000 ~ and then in 'Focusing with Childrenwith René and Harriët in 2006.

Meditative Listening

Children Focusing

British Focusing Association

The New York Institute

Scroll down the page to find further links to associated websites of some methods I find helpful and authors that share common ground

The Feldenkrais Guild Uk

Mags Smith - TRE Provider

Qigong - Edinburgh

What is true is already so. Owning up to it doesn't make it worse. Not being open about it doesn't make it go away. And because it's true, it is what is there to be interacted with. Anything untrue isn't there to be lived. People can stand what is true, for they are already enduring it."

Eugene T. Gendlin

Philospher & Focusing Originator

There are no ready made solutions to problems on offer, but children learn              a new way to express their experiences;    this gives them breathing space and              a certain peace . . .                                        children find the process of ‘staying with yourself’ perfectly normal.”

Marta Stappert

Author - Focusing with Children

We could say . . .                                            practically all the problems                              of the human race are due to the fact          that thought is not proprioceptive. 

In dialogue, however, nobody is trying              to win. Everybody wins if anybody wins.”

David Bohm

Quantum Physicist & Author

Standing is harder than moving . . .              In order to recognize small changes in            effort, the effort itself must first be reduced.  More delicate and improved control              of movement is possible only through        the increase of sensitivity, through a greater ability to sense differences.”

Moshe Feldenkrais

Founder - Feldenkrais Method